Wart Removal – Natural Remedies

Warts are caused by one type of HPV virus. Shows the growth in the skin and commonly on the hands and feet. Warts may appear singly or in groups. There are three types of warts: common, planter and genitals.

Common warts usually cause no pain or itching and occur on the hands, knees, face, and the skin around the nails, fingers and elbows. It is caused due to constant friction, trauma, or abrasion.

Planter warts do not tend to spread to other parts of the body and are produced in the sales of the feet and the bottom of the toes. Have identifiable hard center.

Genital warts are mild and occur around the vagina, anus, penis and scrotum. The virus of genital warts are contagious and can be transmitted through vaginal, oral or anal. If a mother suffers from genital warts, and a baby from contracting the virus.

Natural Remedies for Warts

     1. Follow your diet with the greatest amount of asparagus, citrus eggs, garlic and onion. Increase the amount of sulfur, which is the best remedy against the wart.
     2. You can apply directly to the Aloe Vera juice in the affected area until the warts disappear.
     3. To dissolve warts and tone of your skin you can apply a mixture of papaya, pineapple, banana peel and figs. They contain enzymes that help in the eradication of the warts.
     4. You can also apply apple cider vinegar with a cotton ball and swab it venda. Allow for a night and you can see the difference.
     5. Another effective way is to use crushed garlic 2 to 3 times a day. Each time it is covered with a bandage.
     6. Application of fresh milk sap of a leaf or a stem of a cotton directly on the wart once a day, works effectively without causing skin irritation and infection.

The above appeal has been verified best and simplest natural remedies for destruction of warts. Vocational guidance is always along the habit forming medication. But as rates vary due to wart viruses, which requires a gradual natural direction to follow to get rid of their warts.

Now Pay Attention Here

There is a secret 100% natural method that will help you to get rid of moles. For more information, please visit this site: Natural Mole Removal

Related Source: How To Get Rid of Moles, Cures For Warts


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